Top List of iOS 7 and iPhone 5s Cydia Tweaks that work

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The new iOS7 jailbreak for Apple devices is still brand spanking new and most developers are still trying their best to update its Cydia tweaks and apps to be compatible with the newly updated iPhone 5S, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Come check out this list of compatible tweaks and apps to get you started in the jailbreak world.

Here is a short list of Jailbroken Cydia apps and tweaks that have already been updated to Apple’s new iOS7 operating system and the new iPhone 5S, 64-bit chip.


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Activator - use button presses to activate system switches (bluetooth, Data, flashlight etc, & much more) Repo:

Applocker (paid) - Lock apps with password and unlock them with either password or fingerprint. (modMyi)

Bytafont 2 - Change system wide font in iOS (modMyi repo) you will need to download the fonts that you like in cydia>sections>Fonts (bytafont 2)

CallBar (paid tweak BigBoss Repo) - Small bar at top of screen when a call comes through, does not distract from your current task/game etc.

CCClockOpenToAlarm (bigBoss repo) - Makes the control centre button for the countdown timer go to the alarm section and not to countdown timer.

CCHide - Hide sections of control centre (auto hide music controls unless a song is playing)

CCToggles - Change toggles in the control centre and add apps to the bottom row to access them for quick launch. (BigBoss)

ClearFolders - Remove the blur around the apps inside a folder when it is opened. (modMyi)

Cloaky (paid)- remove items from status bar (BigBoss)

HiddenSettings7 - Access internal iOS settings from control centre (BigBoss)

iCaughtU Pro (paid)- Best security for iDevice (takes photos when wrong passcode is entered and emails them to an email address, Also accepts remote commands via text to lock the device, play an alarm, Send photos to email address and much more) - (BigBoss Repo)

iCleaner Pro - (Repo: ) - Clean space from device by removing items no longer needed. Including part downloaded tweaks and unneeded dependencies.

iFile (paid) BigBoss repo - Access root directory and make changes etc.

MobileTerminal - BigBoss repo, Run commands from terminal.

NCAllOnly, BigBoss repo - Remove today and missed sections from notification centre.

NoAnnoyance (repo: ) - removes most of the annoying popups (switch on wifi for better location in maps etc).

NoSlowAnimations - Speed up the animations of iOS7

ProTube (paid, BigBoss repo) - Better youtube, download videos.

Remove Badges, BigBoss repo, Set an activator method to remove the annoying red badges on springboard (e.g., App Store update barges)

Simplock (modMyi repo) - Remove the slide to unlock text and arrow from lock screen.

StatusBarFix2 - Fixes status bar issues in some apps. (repo: )

SwipeSelection, BigBoss repo, - Swipe across keyboard to move surfer backwards and forwards (for correcting spellings easily etc, start the swipe on the shift key to begin selecting the word)

My3G (paid) (modMyi repo) - Apps think they are on wifi.

SwitchSpring (bigBoss repo) - In multitasking, swipe up on the homepage tab to wither restart device or quickly close all running apps.

TetherMe (paid) - BigBoss repo, allow tethering but without your data carrier seeing.

TinyBar (repo: ) - Smaller notifications bar at top of screen and scrolls the message across.

TransparentDock, BigBoss repo, As is says, it makes the dock clear so you can see the wallpaper through where is would usually be blurred.

TransparentVolume, ModMyi repo, makes the blur around the volume HUD disappear to make it less prominent.

Virtual Home, BigBoss repo
, no need to press the home button as it recognizes when your thumb/finger is there, to save pressing it, will make the button last longer.

VoicemailRemoveriOS7, BigBoss repo, Removes the voicemail button from the phone app.

YouTubed, BigBoss Repo, Close youtube app and allows playing video to continue playing.

Zeppelin (repo: change carrier logo.

Messages Customiser - Let you customize the iMessage app, change the wallpaper, colors, etc.

CustomLS - Let you change the legal text and the Slide to Unlock text.

F.lux - Change the blue light of the iDevice to a warmer color at night.

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