How-To Sync Xbox One Wireless remote Controller Using Kinect
If you have an Xbox One gaming system and just bought a second Xbox One controller, you might be wondering how the heck do you sync your new controller for some two player action. Ill show you how to pair up your xbox controller the easy way, with this simple how-to video.
Read More...Top List of iOS 7 and iPhone 5s Cydia Tweaks that work
The new iOS7 jailbreak for Apple devices is still brand spanking new and most developers are still trying their best to update its Cydia tweaks and apps to be compatible with the newly updated iPhone 5S, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Come check out this list of compatible tweaks and apps to get you started in the jailbreak world.
Read More...New Apple iPad Air Hands-On Review VS iPad Mini & Regular iPad [Pictures & Video]

Apple’s new iPad Air has arrived and it is now thinner and lighter than ever before. We will try and answer the big question everyone wants to know: “Is the new iPad air worth the upgrade when compared to the iPad with Retina display? Or what about the iPad Mini? Read More...
The best 2013 Fantasy Football Apps For Draft Day, News, Ranking And More

If you're looking for the best fantasy football apps for your league in 2013, we got you covered. From draft day and all the way into playoffs, we will help you choose the best fantasy-football-related apps that will help you stay up to date with all your players, rankings, news and injures you need to know about to stay ahead of the game. Read More...
How Much Faster Will The New iPhone 5S Be? The A7 just Might be a 37% Faster 64-Bit Chip
Apple’s highly anticipated and highly rumored September 10 iPhone 5S event is right around the corner. As always rumors and pictures are starting to leak from all kinds of different sources. We have heard of a new iPhone with a gold color option and heard tons of rumors about a fingerprint scanner. But now, new information concerning Apple’s new A7 processor Chip has been leaked.
Microsoft drops DRM policy for the New Xbox One, is this good for gamers? [Podcast]
When Microsoft announced the highly anticipated Xbox One, Many gamers were not happy to hear that the new Xbox One gaming System would have DRM policies that would check up on its gamers every 24 hours. Now, after much criticism, Microsoft has backed down. Lets find out just how these DRM policies would have affected gamers and how not having these 24 hour checkups made the Xbox One loose some pretty nice features, which would have set the Xbox One apart from the PS4. (Click here to listen to the podcast)
Read More...Samsung Galaxy S4 VS. iPhone 5 Drop test: Which device is more durable? [VIDEO]

Now that there are many proud owners of the new Samsung Galaxy S IV, many of you are probably wondering how durable the new flagship Galaxy device is compared to other devices. What way to make this drop test much more interesting than to test it against the Apple iPhone 5. Lets see who held up! Read More...
Twitter's New #Music iTunes App for iOS Devices: Hands on Video Review
Twitter has finally released it's highly rumored music app for iOS Apple devices. We will give you a hands on video review of the new app, so you can get your self acquainted with all the new features Twitter’s new #Music service has to offer.
Google Glass Specs for Camera, Battery, Audio and Display Officially Released
Google has finally released its Google Glass technical specs. This is the juicy stuff consumers care about: Camera, Battery, Audio and Display specs. Lets check out what these new Google Glasses will be packing.
Read More...Grabby Cydia Tweak: Best jaibreak tweak for your iOS lock screen - iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
If you're looking for a great lock screen tweak for your iPhone 5, Grabby from Cydia might just be the tweak you're looking for. Grabby will allow you to use the camera icon at the bottom of the lockscreen to launch the Phone application, SMS, Music, Camera or another app. See how it works!
Read More...Samsung Galaxy S4 VS. GS3 VS. iPhone 5: How Much Better Is The New GS4?

Looking to see what the new Samsung Galaxy S4 features and specs are like compared to last years Galaxy S III and Apple iPhone 5? Did you purchase a Galaxy S3 or iPhone 5 and just found out the new Galaxy S4 is right around the corner, just waiting to be released? Read More...
Pandora Will Now Limit Music Streaming to 40 Hours Per Month for Mobile Users

Do you use Pandora on your mobile device to make your day go by faster at work? Maybe you like to hit the gym and stream Pandora radio on your smartphone. Or maybe on a long road trip, you want to hear one of your favorite stations in your Pandora app. If you enjoy listening to unlimited free music from the Pandora app, with some ads here and there, your unlimited days have come to an end. Read More...
New Sony PlayStation 4: Features, Hardware, Specs, Accessories and More!
Sony has announced its latest video gaming console, the PlayStation 4. We will go through everything you will need to know about this next generation Sony PlayStation. From specs, features, and accessories, to when you will be able to go and pre-order the new PS4 at your nearest BestBuy store. And what about the games? Lets check it out!
New GoPro Hero3 White, Silver and Black Editions: Specs, features and pricing
GoPro has released its latest flagship line of action camcorders, the Hero3. The new Hero3 features some great new upgrades that will set itself apart from its competitors, such as Sony and Countour+2. Lets check out the specs, features and pricing of the new GoPro Hero3 action camcorder.
Read More...Apple's iPhone 5 VS. Samsung's Galaxy S3: Drop Tests [VIDEO]
Wondering how the new iPhone 5 holds up to 6-foot drops on to the hard pavement? The guys over at AndroidAuthority will show us just how crack resistant the new iPhone 5’s screen really is compared to the Samsung Galaxy S III.
Read More...Apple announces the new lighter, thinner and faster, iPhone 5: Specs Listed
Apple has announced the highly anticipated iPhone 5 along with a new line of iPod’s, EarPods (earphones) and a new Sync Cable. We will go over the main features this new Apple smartphone has and what to expect if you're thinking of buying the new iPhone 5.
Samsung Galaxy S III Is Now Available for $99.99 On Amazon's Website, 'Limited' Time Only
For those of you who are looking into purchasing a new Android smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S 3 is most likely on top of everyones wish list this season. So you might as well take advantage of Amazon’s new $99.99 deal for the GS3, Come check it out.
Selling your iPhone 4/4S? You Should Request To Unlock Your AT&T iPhone With This Easy Tip
If you have been wanting to unlock your AT&T iPhone but have been too lazy to call AT&T and have to deal with customer support, or you just don’t know how to go about doing it, we will show you how with this easy online solution.
T-Mobile Will Offer A True Unlimited 4G Data Plan on September 5

T-Mobile has just announced a true unlimited Nationwide 4G Data plan with no data cap, Good news for all you smartphone users out there. Come check out the official T-Mobile press release. Read More...
When Is The Next 'iPhone 5' Going On Sale? September 12 Just Might Be The Magic Date...

Many rumors have been going around about Apple’s next generation smartphone. From what the new iPhone will look like with a larger screen, to what new features the device will have. But the number one biggest question everyone is wondering about is ‘when will the next iPhone 5 be available for pre-order?’
UPDATE: Apple announces the new lighter, thinner and faster, iPhone 5: Specs Listed