Can Sony's PS Vita be Jailbroken to play free pirated games? Not if the PSVita card can help it

Sony’s latest hand held gaming system, the Sony PSVita, is already in the eyes of hackers wanting to crack its code to pirate video games. Sony's first PSP has been plagued by piracy, Which has pushed away both developers and publishers alike. Sony wants to prevent history from repeating and is taking actions to change history with the new PS Vita. But can Sony stop its piracy problem? Check out what Sony has up their sleeves to try and prevent hackers from getting their way. Read More...

Twitter & Facebook phishing scams, avoid loosing your personal information with these 10 tips

The other day I received a very interesting direct message from a person that I follow on my Twitter account. The message was so intriguing in-fact, I clicked on the link faster then I could think about what I was doing. That was when I realized I almost got tricked into giving my Twitter account username and password away to some phishing scam. If you want to learn some helpful tips on how not to get duped into these types of scams, read on. Read More...

How secure are Android apps?

How secure are Android apps? If you ask security firm Dasient, they would have a lot to say on that topic. Read More...

How-To port Mango on the HD2 (video)

The hackers over at XDA-Developers have figured a way to port Windows Mango over to the HTC HD2. The Mango port is in beta form so there are a couple of little issues but overall it's a good port if you want to get the Mango feel before every it's officially out. The Mango OS flash is pretty simple to port over to your HD2 just follow the instructions below. Read More...

Facebook Scam with new video calling feature (WARNING)

With the new awesome Facebook features you can use Skype to video chat with friends. The only way to use this new feature is by downloading the program directly from Facebook or Skype (Read up on the new features here).

Scammers have now figured out a way to scam you by enticing you to click on a wall post that will

iPad 2 official jailbreakme 3.0 is out (video)

UPDATE: Apple released iOS 4.3.4 patch to stop JailbreakMe but it wont stop other ways of Jailbreaking

The official Jailbreakme 3.0 is out by the one and only Comex. It was reported earlier in the week that a buggy leaked version was out but this one is the official version. Just get on Safari with your ipad 2 and

(UPDATE) iPad 2 finally Jailbroken with Jailbreakme 3.0 (Video)

ipad2jailbreak, jailbreak, comex, ipad, ipad2
UPDATE: Official jailbreakme 3.0 is out follow this link here

The ipad 2 is finally Jailbroken, that is if you have ios version 4.3.0 or under. ios 5 is not supported yet. (You can check what version your ipad is by going to Settings, General, About, Then scroll down to version it should say 4.3.0 or under.) JailbreakMe 3.0 is still in beta and was leaked so it's not officially released by Comex. You don't need a computer to run this Jailbreak. The Jailbreak is easily done by only using safari on your iPad 2. Click on the read more button to follow the videos instructions if you're willing to test the leaked beta. Read More...

Geohot working for big social network company?

geohot, hotz, geo

Mr. George Hotz also known as Geohot, is now working for Mark Zuckenberg. Geohot officially announced that he now works on the Facebook team. Geohot is famously known in the jailbreak community for hacking the iphone and just recently had a big lawsuit filed against him from Sony for hacking the PS3. Do you think this is the end of new jailbreak tools from Hotz? Read More...